25 May Webinar “Promoting innovation in employment to support social inclusion”
The @RETICULATE project is part of the online initiative “Promoting innovation in Employment to support social inclusion”, organized by the project partner @European Social Network together with @Deloitte and scheduled for Thursday 25th of May 2023, from 4pm to 5.30pm.
During the webinar, experts from European Social Network, Deloitte and Federsanità Anci Toscana will discuss about how can be ensured the participation of people with multiple disadvantages in the labour market. In particular, Martin Lichte, Policy Officer at European Social Network will share the report “Partnership for Social Inclusion – Integrated Minimum Income and Social Services Programmes”, where the project partner analyzed how to achieve impact in integrating the different services available to people in situations of poverty or social exclusion while Alessio Arces, from Federsanità Anci Toscana, will share the details of the project.
The participation to the webinar is open to all interested persons, via inscription to the following link:
For more details and the programme of the initiative: