27 Feb Study visit Capannori (Lucca) and Torino
In October 2022, the Reticulate partnership visited the city of Capannori, in the province of Lucca, and Turin to explore the themes of the experimentation proposed by the project, namely the integration of social services, income support and inclusion work in a single access point, the One Stop Shop.
The visit to Capannori was animated by the presence of the Councilor for Welfare of the Tuscany Region, Serena Spinelli, by the Manager in the Directorate dedicated to labor policies of the Tuscany Region, Simone Cappelli, welcomed by the deputy mayor of Capannori, Matteo Francesconi.
The project, which intends to experiment with service integration practices, maintains a constant dialogue with the senior representatives at the regional level, with a view to promoting the results of the experimentation within the formulation of public policies in the social and labor fields. Precisely for this reason, during the morning’s work, the project partners shared the results of the in-depth studies carried out in the first year of activity and which form the conceptual basis of the One Stop Shops to be implemented in the 4 selected territories (provinces of Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca and Pistoia).
During the second day of activities, the project partners met the multidisciplinary teams that since 2016 have guaranteed a constant and inclusive service at the local level, integrating the most diverse professionals, from cultural mediators, to psychologists, to educators. Furthermore, a specific focus was dedicated to the experience of service to the homeless. This last contribution made it possible to create a close link with the second part of the study visit, dedicated to support systems for homeless people in the city of Turin.
Before moving to Turin, the stay in Capannori concluded with a visit to the Daccapo emporium, an important example of circular economy, where objects are repaired, transformed and put back into circulation and specifically dedicated to people with economic and social fragility .

In Turin, the Reticulate partnership was welcomed by the Councilor for social policies Jacopo Rosatelli, who presented the Sportello Unico Socio Sanitario, which integrates social and health services. An in-depth analysis of the services dedicated to homeless people was then carried out by Massimo De Albertis and Uberto Moreggia, from the Municipality of Turin. In particular, the focus on the social-health outpatient service has allowed for an in-depth study of the integrated systems of medical assistance, coordination of reception centers and the distribution of foodstuffs. Furthermore, proximity and first reception services were also presented.
Finally, Martin Lichte, policy officer of the project partner European Social Network, presented the integrated social inclusion programs at European level and the characteristics of the existing One Stop Shop models.
The visit then continued at the social and health clinic and at the Hospitality House for homeless people, which in addition to welcoming people, offers practical and professional activities.