30 Jun Local presentation seminar of the One Stop Shop in Livorno
Last Thursday 23 June there was a talk in Livorno about the One Stop Shop – Centro Servizi, at the S.E.F.A. – the center that offers prompt and temporary reception services for people without accommodation or shelter. It is a fundamental place of assistance within the city, for which the Marginality and Family Area of the Municipality of Livorno is responsible.
The meeting, which was an opportunity to talk about the developments of the One Stop Shop, as part of the activities that Reticulate carries out, saw the participation of the Councilor for Social Affairs of the Municipality of Livorno, Andrea Raspanti, by Andrea De Conno by Anci Toscana – Federsanità, project leader and by Alessandro Carta, Vice-president of the Il Symbol Cooperative, who deals with the management of the Service Center in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team composed of the social area of the Municipality of Livorno and the Agency Regional Tuscany for employment – ARTI. Also present were Loredana Bertagni, social worker of the Municipality of Livorno and Caterina Tocchini, Manager of the Social and Socio-Health Policy Sector.

As underlined during the presentation, the One Stop Shop is part of an area where there is already a strong institutional and civil society commitment, thanks to a strong, widespread and deep-rooted presence of the third sector in the area, of which the Il Symbol cooperative it is the example. Reticulate, with its experimentation proposal, fits into this context, adding to and integrating with the actions put in place, giving value not only to people’s needs but also looking at the resources (skills, skills, experiences) they have. In this sense , the One Stop Shop should be the place to express the rights guaranteed to individual citizens and where it is possible to fully express individual potential.
The activation of this physical space for the integration of services is a fundamental part of Reticulate’s effort to create a model that can be replicated, starting from the concrete results of the four trials in Tuscany, of which the Livorno area is the protagonist, so that multiply and become an object of interest in the formulation of regional policies.